Current & Future Piping Projects
Current Projects:
September 2024 - April 2025:
Main Canal Piping Project Phase# 7 (MC-7) (The Main Canal Piping Project consists of 10 phases total. The District is currently complete through Phase# 6) : The MC-7 is an ~1.3 mile canal-to-large (48"-42" diameter) pipeline conversion project that begins approximately 3 miles north of the City of Bend, runs adjacent to Hwy 97, and ends just north of Sunbeam Lane in Deschutes County. The project is currently under construction with K&E Excavating and scheduled for completion in 2025.

Future Projects:
-Elder Lateral Piping Project: This is an ~2 mile long canal-to-pipeline conversion project in the heart of Swalley. The project is federally approved and permitted. Partial funding has been secured. Engineering design on the project is at ~98+% and being conducted by NRCS.
-Main Lateral Piping Project Phase# 8 : This is an ~1.3 mile canal-to-large pipeline conversion project. The project is federally approved and permitted. Funding is pending. Design engineering has not occured.
-Butte Lateral Piping Project: This canal-to-pipeline conversion project is also in the heart of Swalley and generally runs west to east for ~1 mile adjacent to Tumalo Rd. The project is federally approved and permitted. Funding is pending. Design engineering has not occured.
-Main Lateral Piping Project Phase# 9: This is an ~2 mile canal-to-large pipeline conversion project. The project is federally approved and permitted. Funding is pending. Design engineering has not occured.
-Main Lateral Piping Project Phase# 10 (FINAL PHASE) : This is an ~2 mile canal-to-large pipeline conversion project. The project is federally approved and permitted. Funding is pending. Design engineering has not occured.